When you buy insurance, you expect it to be there for you when things go wrong. Insurance companies promise to protect you in tough times, but sometimes instead of protecting you, they leave you out to dry.
Insurance disputes revolve around the contract that you entered into with your insurance company. The insurance company agreed to provide you certain protections in exchange for the premiums that you have paid. It’s not fair for the insurance company to back out on its promises after taking your premiums. We handle many kinds of insurance disputes.
Uninsured motorist claims: By law, every state requires drivers to buy car insurance, but not all drivers follow the law. So both Kansas and Missouri require car insurance companies to provide at least $25,000 in uninsured motorist coverage. This is coverage that provides benefits if you are hurt by a driver who was uninsured, and had no car insurance at all. If you were injured by an uninsured motorist, then contact us right away.
Underinsured motorist claims: Kansas and Missouri only require drivers to buy $25,000 of bodily injury insurance. This is the insurance meant to pay for injuries a driver causes to other people, including other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. Most people who are seriously injured in a car wreck suffer a lot more than $25,000 worth of damages, and that’s where underinsured motorist coverage comes into play. Underinsured motorist coverage is insurance that you buy to protect yourself and your family, in case you get injured by a driver who did not have enough bodily injury insurance to pay for the damages he caused you. If you were seriously injured in an accident, contact us, and we can make sure you get full compensation from both the at-fault driver and your own underinsured motorist insurance.
Third-party bad faith claims: Third-party bad faith claims arise when an insurance company fails to protect its “at fault” insured. For example, if you buy $25,000 worth of bodily injury insurance, and you drive through a red light and accidently hurt someone, and you report the accident to your car insurance company, then your car insurance company is obligated to investigate the wreck, evaluate and consider your interests, to communicate with you about the situation, and to initiate settlement talks with the injured person. If your insurance company does not do its job, and you get sued as a result, then your insurance company can be held liable for all the resulting damages against you. If your insurance company is failing to protect you, We help drivers who find themselves in difficult situations make sure that their insurance companies do the right thing.
Other kinds of insurance disputes: Rose Law has also helped clients recover pension benefits, life insurance proceeds, cancer insurance proceeds, and property damage claims that were wrongfully denied. If you find yourself in an insurance dispute, or are worried about how to handle discussions with an insurance company, do not hesitate to contact us.
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